10th International Industrial Fair and Cooperation exchange in Tashkent

By Aviamost Wednesday, September 28, 2016 2:22 am

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The 10th International Industrial Fair and Cooperating Exchange will be held from 24 to 31 October 2016 at the exhibition places of “Uzexpocentre” in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. 

Last year  117 enterprises participated in the course of  the previous Branch industrial fair. There were 590 kinds of products in the fair, among them 42 new kinds, including mastered one on localization Program.  About 2000 peoples visited the fair, including 30 representatives  of foreign companies and firms. The participants of event concluded the contracts for delivery of products of industrial cooperation for amount of Uzbek sums 9 695,6 mln. in the course of fair.

Over 175 enterprises will participate in the fair this year. They present such enterprises as “Uzbekiston Temir Yollari” State Joint-stock Railway Company, “Uzbekiston Havo Yollari” National Airway Company, “Uzstroymaterialy” Joint-stock Company, “Toshshahartranshizmat” Joint-stock Company, “Uzmontajspecstroy” Association,  “Uzavtoyol” State Joint-stock Company, “Uzkommunhizmat” Agency as well as enterprises – manufacturers of construction materials, furniture, textile products and others.

There are over 1050 kinds of products, including 50 new kinds of products in the fair. Industrial enterprises of Uzbekistan, including representatives of small scaled business and private entrepreneurship will show their industrial potential for a wide circle of visitors during all the period of holding the fair. The enterprises and economic associations will hold presentations of their enterprises and give the offers for cooperation in order to show their technical and technological possibilities in full.

Major objectives and tasks of International industrial fair and Cooperation exchange are:

  • adoption of new type of production in common with foreign partners
  • formation of contracts on delivery of domestic manufactured goods for internal usage and export;
  • assistance to the enterprises in formation long-term household relations in production and delivery materials and components, finished goods, and also adoption of new production processes on the basis of the sectoral, intersectoral and international cooperation’s development;
  • providing promotion of effective domestic and foreign technologies, materials, instruments, equipment for industrial complex on regional market;
  • attraction of foreign consumers and potential partners for cooperated adoption of production processes in the republic; 
  • demonstration of potential opportunities and achievement of the Republic of Uzbekistan in producing of competitive goods for internal and external market;


Aviamost Magazine

Last Updated: Wednesday, September 28, 2016 | 2:22 am | Dubai, United Arab Emirates