President orders payment of one month salary to all Government employees

By Aviamost Sunday, May 6, 2018 6:47 am

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President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed has ordered that all serving and retired Government employees be paid one month salary in celebration of one hundred years since the birth of the UAE's Founding Father, Sheikh Zayed.

The ruling includes both civilians and military, as well as the beneficiaries of social welfare services, Wam reported.

Although official records were not kept at the time, the birth of the UAE's first President, Sheikh Zayed, is observed on 6th May. At roughly half way through this year's Year of Zayed, a celebration of the late President and his role in establishing the federation, more than 600 proposals to mark the occasion have already been received.

In Abu Dhabi, last month saw the opening of The Founder’s Memorial, an art installation depicting the profile of Sheikh Zayed.

The National

Aviamost Magazine

Last Updated: Sunday, May 6, 2018 | 6:47 am | Dubai, United Arab Emirates