Dubai parking lot murder was 'contract killing'

By Aliheydar_Rzayev Tuesday, 09 January 2018 4:08 AM

Dubai parking lot murder was 'contract killing'

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Gulf News -- The stabbing death of a Pakistani businessman at a parking lot in Dubai has turned out to be a contract killing.

The Dubai Public Prosecution is interrogating the two Pakistani killers, who were hired by a compatriot man to take revenge on the businessman. The Dubai Police who were informed that a man was stabbed at a parking lot in Al Nahda area 2, Dubai, sent a criminal investigation team and forensic officials to the site. They found the man lying in a pool of blood in the parking lot.

A watchman, who identified the man, told the police that the victim, G. R, a 40-year-old, was a tenant of his building. An Indian worker told the police that he spotted two people running away from the parking lot where the incident happened.

The police launched an investigation and arrested the two suspects from the Dubai International Airport while they were trying to flee the country after the murder. The airport police noticed that the first suspect was severely injured in the hand.

During the police interrogation they confessed to the crime and said that they were brought to the UAE on a visit visa by F.M., the third suspect, who hired them to kill the businessman.

The third suspect wanted to take revenge on G.R., who allegedly killed the former's brother back home. However, he evaded arrest in Pakistan and fled to Dubai. The contract killers also revealed to the police that F.M. had given them Dh5,000, arranged visit visas, hotel accommodation and promised to give them Dh10,000 after completing their mission and returning to Pakistan.

Revealing the modus operandi of the crime, the two suspects told the police that they had been monitoring the victim and on the day of crime they rented a car and went with the third suspect to the building of the victim and waited for the victim to arrive at the parking lot.

When he got off from his car, the suspects hit him with a hammer and the first suspect stabbed him several times on different parts of the body.

The victim resisted fiercely and also injured the first suspect in his hand. After that both suspects went to Muraqqabat area to buy new clothes.

On the way to the airport, they got rid of the clothes they wore at the time of the incident.

The Dubai Public Prosecution has already begun the extradition procedures of the third suspect.