Millennium Taiba Hotel and Millennium Al Aqeeq Hotel, the five-star luxury hotels situated at the heart of Al Madinah, joined billions of people across the world in supporting the Earth Hour on Saturday, March 30th 2019.
The luxury hotels by Millennium Hotels & Resorts switched off non-essential lightings and appliances and followed energy-saving measures at the property from 08:30 pm – 09:30 pm local time to showcase their support for the global movement of initiating actions to protect Mother Earth and bring about positive environmental changes to reduce emissions from electricity generation.
Along with the management and the staff at the hotel, guests were also invited to participate and fight against climate change towards a sustainable future. Guests were requested to switch off the lights in their rooms and other electrical devices and gather at the assembly area for a meet and mingle during the Earth Hour.
Mr. Ibrahim Sindi, Cluster Director of Sales & Marketing at the properties said, “Participating in the Earth Hour is one way of showing our commitment to energy conservation and to protect planet Earth. We have been implementing a lot of other sustainable initiatives that reduce the environmental footprint and we pledge to introduce eco-friendly measures in the near future in our quest to preserve the environment for the future generations.”