Digital plates to replace metal ones on Dubai cars

By Aliheydar_Rzayev Wednesday, 11 April 2018 1:03 PM

Digital plates to replace metal ones on Dubai cars

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Soon, say goodbye to metal vehicle plate and install a digital plate in your car

"The digital plate, called Tag to Connect, is a smart screen that will replace the current metal plate," Sultan Abdullah Al Marzouqi, Roads and Transport Authority's (RTA) Director of Vehicle Licensing Department, told Khaleej Times at the Future Cities Show in Dubai on Monday.

"With the digital plate installed in your car, you need not come to any RTA service centre every year in order to renew your vehicle plate - your car registration will be automatically renewed after passing the vehicle test," Al Marzouqi said.

"Moreover, since it's a digital plate, you can change your plate number anytime through the RTA app or by ordering from the RTA website without any hassles," he added.

Another striking feature of the digital plate is that it will flash 'stolen' if someone will try to carjack the vehicle or steal the digital plate.

"The digital plate will also allow vehicles to connect with each other - that's why it's Tag to Connect - meaning, motorists can exchange information on traffic condition or if there is an accident on the road. All this information will be connected to the central command system of the RTA," Al Marzouqi added.

Paying for parking will also be a breeze as parked vehicles will be charged through the e-wallet connected with the smart plates.

According to Al Marzouqi, the RTA will start testing the smart plates next month until November this year.

"We want to know how the smart plates can survive in the UAE weather, how humidity and dust can affect the transfer of data and to determine its life cycle and other technological requirements," Al Marzouqi explained.

"Then, after thorough evaluation we will roll out the smart plates to the public and announce how much it will cost. Other applications will also be added to the smart plate, including, possibly the integration of the Salik tag," Al Marzouqi concluded.

Khaleej Times