'Superman' police officer holds on to van to stop it falling off bridge

By Aliheydar_Rzayev Sunday, 03 December 2017 2:28 AM

'Superman' police officer holds on to van to stop it falling off bridge

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The Independent -- A police officer who clung on to a van to prevent it from falling off the edge of a bridge has been branded “Superman” by his colleagues.

Motorway officer Martin Willis found the vehicle balanced precariously on a ledge with its driver trapped inside following a crash on the A1(M) in West Yorkshire on Friday morning.

PC Willis, the first member of the emergency services to reach the scene, was forced to hold on to the vehicle as it teetered on the brink until firefighters arrived to complete the rescue. 

Posting on Twitter, the officer said he could not “begin to describe his relief” when help arrived.

He said: “First on the scene of a collision on the A1(M) this morning and faced with a vehicle balancing over the edge of a bridge with the driver trapped.

“After holding on to the vehicle to stop it swaying in the wind I can’t begin to describe my relief when West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue arrived on scene.”

PC Willis’s heroic efforts have been saluted by both police and members of the public.

Nottinghamshire officer, PC Adam Pace, tweeted: “Your superman cape isn’t in this photo though! Must have come off in the fracas!”

Sue Drew said: “That must’ve been a heart stopping moment!! Well done for holding on, and helping to save that drivers life. They must be very grateful to all that attended.”

The van driver was freed from the vehicle and later taken to Leeds General Infirmary, where his condition was described as “serious, but not life-threatening”. 

In a statement, West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue said: “Emergency services worked incredibly hard together this morning to rescue the driver of a vehicle on the A1(M). 

“The male casualty is recovering in hospital after what must have been a terrifying ordeal – we wish him well.”