Free Wi-Fi connectivity across Dubai by end of 2017

By Aviamost Monday, October 24, 2016 7:46 am

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Citywide Wi-Fi across major cities in the Middle East, especially Dubai and Abu Dhabi, could soon become a reality. Wi-Fi UAE, launched by Smart Dubai and telco operator du, is currently available across 300 places, including public transport network. Now there are plans to expand the service right across the emirate. It will be just one of the major benefits to the UAE's community as a result of i,plementing Dubai Plan 2021. 

Dubai Plan 2021 describes the future of Dubai through holistic and complementary perspectives, starting with the people and the society who have always been, and always will be, the bedrock of the city. This aspect describes the characteristics that Dubai’s people need to have to deliver on the city’s aspirations in all areas, and examines the society needed to support and empower these individuals in achieving their goals.

The plan addresses the urban environment including both natural and built assets, and looks at the living experience of the people of Dubai and its visitors as a result of their interaction with this environment and the economic and social services provided. In addition, the plan also focuses on the economy, which is the city’s development engine and its fuel for its march forward.

Finally, the plan addresses the government as the custodian of the city development in all aspects. These perspectives were divided into 6 themes, each highlighting a group of strategic developmental aims for Dubai, and together forming the city’s vision for 2021.

Aviamost Magazine

Last Updated: Monday, October 24, 2016 | 7:46 am | Dubai, United Arab Emirates