UAE to take part in 5th News Agencies World Congress from Nov 16 – 18 in Baku, Azerbaijan

By Aviamost Tuesday, November 15, 2016 9:36 am

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WAM -- The UAE is set to participate in a series of gatherings of influential international media organisations being held from November 16th-18th in the Azerbaijani capital, Baku.

Representing Emirates News Agency, WAM, Mohammad Jalal Al Rayssi, Executive Director of WAM, will be partaking in the 5th News Agencies World Congress, the 16th General Assembly of the Organisation of Asia-Pacific News Agencies (OANA), and the 22nd session of the Council of CIS Heads of News Agencies.

Commenting on the occasion, Mohammad Al Rayssi, said that participating in such events is crucial for bolstering cooperation between agencies in delivering the news and the truth.

"We in the UAE have a unique experience that spans 40 years, and we hope to share our successes with others around the world, and such platforms helps in achieving this goal," Al Rayssi explained.

The Executive Director of WAM added, "Such gatherings also opens doors for further collaboration between agencies and the sharing of experiences, and the latest in technological development."

Co-organised by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and AZERTAC, the event brings together heads and representatives of about 100 news agencies shaping the global information policy, international media experts, and representatives of regional media organisations.

The joint opening ceremony of the News Agencies World Congress and the OANA General Assembly will take place at the Heydar Aliyev Centre on November 16th.

The 5th News Agencies World Congress is being held under the slogan, "New Challenges for News Agencies" and features several sessions, including "The future of news consumption", "News agencies – challenges and opportunities of new technologies and social media", "News agency innovation," and "Training journalists for a multi-media future."

The congress will address problems facing journalism, which is now in experiencing rapid transformation, and will discuss the kinds of cooperation between news agencies and different social media platforms.

Speakers at the sessions include presidents of the News Agencies World Congress, OANA, EANA, FANA, managers of Associated Press, Reuters, Xinhua, Anadolu Agency, TASS, Agence France-Press, Press Association, EFE, Yonhap, Kyodo, TT, SPA, BTA, AAP, IRNA, DPA, Notimex, ATPE and other leading news agencies, including the Los Angeles Times newspaper, Al Arabiya television channel, and experts from Tripod Advisors, News Corp, PwC, Axel Springer, Stibo Accelerator media companies.

WAM is a member of OANA, the Gulf Cooperation Council news agencies, the Federation of Arab News Agencies, the International Islamic News Agency, and the Pool of Non-Aligned News agencies.


Aviamost Magazine

Last Updated: Tuesday, November 15, 2016 | 9:36 am | Dubai, United Arab Emirates