Dubai taxis to be fitted with surveillance cameras

By Aviamost Sunday, May 20, 2018 7:11 am

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Surveillance cameras have been fitted to 6,500 taxis in Dubai to ensure drivers are complying with professional driving standards and moral attitudes.

More than half of the Roads and Transport Authority’s fleet of taxis have had the monitoring equipment installed to check up on the conduct of cabbies.

The step conforms to the RTA’s strategic goal of people happiness and smart city drive.

All 10,221 cabs will be fitted with cameras by the end of the year.

“The System aims to ensure the compliance of taxi drivers with the rules and principles of professional and moral conducts,” said Adel Shakri, director of transportation systems, at the RTA’s Public Transport Agency.

“It even motivates them to observe optimal attitudes towards users of the taxi service.

“The footage of these cameras can be retrieved in case of any violations reported during the taxi trips to eliminate any complaints from service beneficiaries.”

Aviamost Magazine

Last Updated: Sunday, May 20, 2018 | 7:11 am | Dubai, United Arab Emirates