UAE: security of investment

By Aliheydar_Rzayev Wednesday, 09 January 2019 6:08 PM

UAE: security of investment

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Recently The Economist, one of the most respected economic studies sources in the world, posted a YouTube video titled "How to prepare for the next recession", warning that there are more findings indicating that after a decade from that last recession another recession is to come. Such recession would begin at emerging economies due their rampant public debts rather than big developed economies as US in 2008.

Among the most considerable measures that governments usually take to address recession on the local scale is to arrange with central banks interest rates cutting, currency printing to buy bonds, and increase the public spending.

UAE, as one of the leading emerging economies in MENA region, has announced many measures to foster growth and prevent UAE from fallen in any prospected global recession, in which increments on the public spending for the next three years are scheduled to secure both private and public sectors.