Dh500 ($126) fine for throwing cigarettes in Dubai

By Aliheydar_Rzayev Sunday, 21 January 2018 3:00 PM

Dh500 ($126) fine for throwing cigarettes in Dubai

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Gulf News -- The dirty habit of smokers in Dubai won’t go out in a puff anytime soon, but their remnants might.

Dubai Municipality has launched a campaign to ward off smokers from littering the streets with cigarette ends, in a bid to maintain the city’s cleanliness.   

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Dubai Municipality will take strict action against litterbugs whether they are driving on the roads or walking in parks and commercial areas. 

If caught by municipality inspectors, the fine will double, then triple for each repeated offence.

Currently, there are 154 inspectors employed at the Waste Management Department at Dubai Municipality, who are authorised to fine people for littering.

In 2016, as many as 2939 fines were issued for littering in public places in Dubai.

Spitting in public places in Dubai can also incur a fine of Dh500.

“While the campaign targets people who throw cigarettes and other pieces of paper, we are also trying to stop other unhygienic habits of people who spit on the road,” said Abdul Majeed Saifaie, director of waste management department at Dubai Municipality.