Elderly passenger restrained by cabin crew on Emirates flight to Chicago

By Aliheydar_Rzayev Saturday, 27 January 2018 5:12 PM

Elderly passenger restrained by cabin crew on Emirates flight to Chicago

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An elderly man traveling from Dubai to Chicago on flight EK235 on Tuesday had to be restrained for unruly behavior.

Emirates said cabin crew confined the passenger and later handed him to authorities at O’Hare International Airport.

“Emirates can confirm that a passenger on flight EK235 from Dubai to Chicago on 23 January had to be restrained by cabin crew due to unruly behaviour. The passenger was handed over to the authorities on arrival in Chicago,” an Emirates spokeswoman said on Thursday.

“The safety of our passengers and crew is of the utmost importance and will not be compromised.”

The airline declined to reveal why the passenger posed a safety risk and did not provide any details about the incident.

US media identified the passenger as David Okeone, 74, and reported that he and an Emirates flight attendant were hospitalised in Chicago following the incident.

The passenger had injuries to his wrist that his family blamed on being restrainted, according to US media reports. He had travelled to Dubai from Nigeria before flying onwards to Chicago.