On 12 December 2015, Turkmenistan jointly with the international community will celebrate its milestone anniversary of 20 years of the status of permanent neutrality. The international legal status of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan was recognized at the level of the Community of Nations by the unanimously adopted on 12 December 1995 a special resolution at the 50th session of the UN General Assembly.
At the same time-in December 1995, Turkmenistan adopted a Constitutional law “On the Status of Permanent Neutrality” and approved a concept of foreign policy of Turkmenistan as a neutral state.
The model of Turkmenistan’s neutrality both in its origin and its content has a profoundly credible foundation. The process of international legal regulation of Turkmenistan’s neutrality was framed by the adoption of Islamabad Declaration based on the third meeting of the heads of member states of the Organization for Economic Cooperation of 15 March 1995 and the Final Document of the 11th Conference of the heads of states for the Non-Aligned Movement of 20 October 1995 in Cartagena, Colombia.
In its framework, the neutrality of Turkmenistan is permanent and not time- constrained. It is also lawful and binding both during the times of peace and the times of war. The affirmative characteristics of the Turkmen model of neutrality are reflected in Turkmenistan’s active stance on issues of peace and stability, development, international friendship and cooperation, policy of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, as well as non-participation in any political or military blocks.
Taking into consideration Turkmenistan’s significant geopolitical location and its role as one of major energy producers, the model of affirmative neutrality allowed the country to initiate the start of a new unique framework of political dialogue and international negotiations in the international arena.
2015 was proclaimed in Turkmenistan as the Year of Peace and Neutrality. The neutral course of the country gained a deep-rooted legal status. That was indeed a historic occasion and an indisputable proof of unanimous international support to the country’s foreign policy course. Today, Turkmenistan is one of confirmed peacekeeping centers not only in Central Asia, but across the world.
The independence of Turkmenistan, strengthened by the neutral status, allowed the country to conduct its own unique foreign policy. Turkmenistan firmly established itself as a capable sovereign state, symbolizing the great authority, a significant role and power of influence in the modern world.
Permanent neutrality of our country is its primary and affirmative condition for international politics and sustainable development.
When discussing current foreign policy strategy of the country, one must understand its initial principles and its peaceful foundation, which are reinforced by the neutral status of Turkmenistan.
The development of the neutral status as an important instrument of international relations can be traced in the dynamics of last several years in the era of power and happiness, when the fact of the neutral status of the country has been actively used to promote a policy of peace and stability not only in the region but also on a wider scale.
Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan acts as an effective tool to create opportunities of mutual understanding in resolving conflicts and problems in the world by political and diplomatic means.
The neutrality has an incredible significance as an instrument of defending peace and non-violent resolution of all international issues.
The neutral status of Turkmenistan provides wide opportunities for its peaceful foreign policy, active and positive approach to the development of peaceful and friendly ties with international partners based on the principles of equality, respect, mutual benefit and non-interference in the internal affairs of other states. Guided by this principle, Turkmenistan defines the political, economic and humanitarian aspects of the implementation of its unique peaceful foreign policy.
Indeed, it is the neutrality that in many respects largely delivers unprecedented achievements in the implementation of domestic policy: an effective implementation of its socio-economic and cultural goals, the successful implementation of the national, sectoral and regional development programs, implementation of the international projects with the participation of Turkmenistan.
As an equal subject of international law, neutral Turkmenistan actively participates in the process of establishment and regulation of inter-state relations. The status of neutrality provides a strong impetus for inter-state relations. In a short historical period Turkmenistan has managed to find its place in the system of modern international relations.
Turkmenistan attaches special importance to relations with neighboring countries, with which it has historical, political, economic and cultural ties. Friendly and brotherly relations and wide cooperation in all areas considered as the most important guarantee of preservation of its sovereignty and neutral status, success in achieving its foreign policy goals.
The permanent constructive neutrality of Turkmenistan implies an active and fruitful approach to international affairs, use of political and diplomatic means to resolve any issues or conflicts in a peaceful manner. In this context, a UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia was established in Ashgabat in December 2007.
It should be noted the effectiveness of close cooperation between the Regional Centre and the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) aimed at developing a holistic approach to security in the region.
Turkmenistan’s active position on the international political arena demonstrates enormous potential of the Turkmen model of neutrality. To date, Turkmenistan established diplomatic relations with 134 states, became a member of 44 international organizations and the number is growing every year. Turkmenistan has its representatives in such respected international organizations as UN, ECO, OSCE, EU, CIS and others.
In 2007 and 2009, Turkmenistan was selected for the Vice Chair of 62nd and 64th sessions of the UN General Assembly.
In November 2010, Turkmenistan was selected for the Vice Chair of the Bureau of the Committee on Sustainable Energy of UNECE. Concurrently, for two years in a row Turkmenistan was selected as a Chairman for SPECA - UN Special Program for the Economies of Central Asia, developed by European Economic Commission.
During the period of UN ECOSOC Session on 27-28 April 2011, the elections for various UN bodies were held. During the elections, Turkmenistan was selected as a member of the following agencies:
On 8 November 2012, Turkmenistan was elected to UN ECOSOC. Among other perspectives, Turkmenistan also considers its membership from the viewpoint of effective utilization of Turkmenistan’s infrastructure opportunities by international community and the active engagement of various UN bodies specifically in the Central Asian and Caspian region.
On 14 June 2013, with the unanimous support of 193 UN member states, Turkmenistan was selected for the Vice Chair of the 68th session of the UN General Assembly.
In 2014, Turkmenistan was selected as a member of UN Commission on Science and Technology for 2014-2016, as well as UN Commission for Social Development for 2014-2017.
In this context, it should also be noted that in April 2013, Turkmenistan was elected Vice-chairman of the Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), and in November - a member of the Executive Board of UNESCO for 2013-2017.
Joining more than 130 international conventions, Turkmenistan is strongly committed to the implementation of its obligations and constantly demonstrates readiness to provide peacekeeping and other creative potential to achieve the goals and objectives of the United Nations.
Permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan is focused on the constructive role in developing global and regional processes, the main content of which is cooperation between states of East and West, and North and South.
At the Council of Elderly on 20 October 2014, the current year was proclaimed as the Year of Peace and Neutrality. In this regard, the ongoing large-scale events around the world demonstrate the success of our country achieved in a short historical period under the leadership of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.
Turkmenistan meets anniversary of Neutrality in an atmosphere of peace and prosperity, good-neighborliness, mutual respect and understanding with its friends and partners in the international community.
Neutral, peaceful Turkmenistan will continue to do everything necessary to strengthen peace and security on our planet and to contribute to the development and progress of humanity.
Neutrality of Turmenistan: A Historic Choice
This year Turkmenistan celebrates the 20th anniversary of the international recognition of the country's neutrality. This is a significant date and a good reason to comprehend the traversed path over the years, summarize and assess the current stage of development of Turkmenistan as a neutral state.
Any country being on the way of true independence is forced in an extremely short period of time to solve a myriad of problems, and look for a place in the new reality. Turkmenistan did not avoid this as well which gained independence in 1991 against the background of a complex processes that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union, and in terms of the actual scrapping of the entire post-war system of international relations. One of the most and difficult issue for our country at that time was the choice of its foreign policy course. The fate of the Turkmen statehood, independence and sovereignty of our country depended in many ways on the correct choice. There is no exaggeration, because history is replete with the mistakes in the choice of foreign policy model led to the loss of the real independence of states, to their being drawn in the orbit of interests far from the true goals of national development.
Our country has chosen a model, called positive neutrality. Its fundamental assumptions have been formulated: peacefulness, non-interference in the affairs of other states, respect for their sovereignty and territorial integrity, non-participation in international military organizations and treaties. What this choice has been dictated namely? Of course, first of all, national interests. Young Turkmen state wanted to live in peace and harmony with its neighbours, maintain friendly, equal mutually beneficial relations with all countries. Our country has had no complaints - historical, territorial or any other to any state, and Turkmenistan decided to begin its independent way in international politics extending a hand of friendship and cooperation to its neighbours and the world. Neutrality has become a good model for the implementation of these plans, the form in which the content of the Turkmen foreign policy was built most harmoniously and naturally.
The young Turkmen state started deliberately carrying out a sovereign, neutral, herewith an active and constructive foreign policy. This is why it is not surprising that the world showed an understanding and expressed sympathy to the country’s efforts to secure the neutrality as an international legal status. Primarily the support was received from the neighbours in the region, then in the Non-Aligned Movement. December 12, 1995 was an event that has become one of the turning points in the history of the Turkmen statehood, and largely predetermined the vector of development of Turkmenistan. On this day in New York, the UN General Assembly represented by 185 member states which were the members of it at the time, unanimously adopted a resolution "Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan."
This is a unique document and still the only one in the history of the Community of Nations. Previously such status or one or another State shall have the agreement by several states, the neutral status of Turkmenistan was the result of self-selection and the voluntary will of the state. In this sense neutrality of Turkmenistan has no analogues in the world.
President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov extremely accurately and clearly articulated the importance of this event not only for our country but for the whole world: "It was a wise, far-sighted decision. Time has shown its compliance with long-term goals of the United Nations, the interests of developing countries and peoples of the world in peace and security. Subsequent events have confirmed this clearly. Turkmenistan's neutrality has become an important factor in international peacekeeping efforts in our region. Let us remember that it was in Ashgabat under the auspices of the United Nations a series of talks have taken place, which have played an important role in achieving peace and reconciliation in Tajikistan. The capital of our neutral state was the venue for negotiations to resolve the Afghan conflict in the late 90s of the last century. Turkmenistan has become a reliable ally and effective partner of the United Nations in the preservation and maintenance of political stability in the region, the development of good-neighborly friendship and cooperation. "
This was confirmed in the decision of the UN, with the support of all states in the region to open in 2007 in Ashgabat the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia. In our country, it was perceived as a huge responsibility and the testimony of trust to Turkmenistan by the international community.
Comprehension of the traversed path over the years leads to the realization of the enormous potential of neutrality, those opportunities that it opened for our country's foreign policy, economic cooperation, establishing humanitarian relations with other countries.
Turkmenistan is integrated into international relations in order to use its geopolitical, economic, resource and human potential for rapid entry into the category of countries with a high quality of life, dynamic economy, stable and effective relations with the outer world.
Today the interests of our country designated as the regional, continental and global levels. Today’s Turkmenistan has a distinct course in international affairs, has its own position on such important topics of the global agenda, as the maintenance and promotion of world peace and security, disarmament, combating new challenges and threats, promotion and protection of human rights, the environment, the food problem, overcoming the consequences of financial and economic crisis, the development of science, culture and education. Turkmen diplomacy has significantly strengthened its work with international organizations; its representatives have become regular participants in major forums and other forms of multilateral cooperation.
The scale and the subject of cooperation of Turkmenistan have significantly expanded at bilateral level. Asia Pacific, Europe, countries of American continent, Near and Middle East are in the sight of the Turkmen foreign policy. Dialogue has been established with a number of large and economically powerful states representing the Arab world and Latin America. Turkmen foreign policy more clearly becomes global thinking, based on the compatibility of its own long-term interests with modern tendencies of world development.
Creatively rethinking the value and potential of Turkmenistan's neutrality on a global scale, correlating it with the objective realities of modern development, the President of our country places particular emphasis on the economic aspect of neutrality. Our country is pushing for joint development of models of political and economic cooperation in Central Asia and the Caspian Sea region, offering and supporting large-scale projects with the participation of the various states. In addition to well-known projects to optimize and expand the geography of pipeline routes, there are offers in the field of energy, water, communications, and initiatives to create new routes of transportation between the countries of the region with access to promising markets in Europe, Southeast Asia and the Middle East.
Expansion and diversity of the foreign relations of Turkmenistan create favourable conditions for the diversification of international cooperation. Taking into account the objective geopolitical and resource advantages, diversification of energy flows and the creation of multiple pipeline infrastructure is the strategic priority for Turkmenistan. By following this, our country, along with traditional routes implemented two new major projects in recent years in taking its energy resources to world markets: Turkmenistan-China and the new Turkmenistan-Iran gas pipelines.
Today in the stage of practical implementation is another big energy project - the construction of Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline. It enjoys the support of all member countries, major international financial institutions, including Asian Development Bank. TAPI project is a logical continuation of the long-term energy strategy, involving the construction of new international pipelines in different directions.
The initiative of the President of Turkmenistan stands innovative which gained the recognition and support of the United Nations to start the process in developing a universal and systematic approach based on the interests of all parties involved, compatibility of their attitudes and perceptions about the configuration of energy supply routes. Today this process acquires subject outlines. In May 2013 the UN General Assembly unanimously adopted a Turkmen draft resolution "Reliable and Stable Transit of Energy and Its Role in Ensuring Sustainable Development and International Cooperation" co-sponsored by more than 70 states. The text of this document provides practical and maximum specific recommendations and conclusions, in particular, concerning the establishment of an international expert group in preparing a new, comprehensive document of the UN to initiate global cooperation in the energy sector. The fact that it was neutral Turkmenistan to propose the idea of a broad international dialogue on this issue, the initiator of the start of coordinated actions of states, it is natural.
Resource capabilities and advantages of the geographical location of the country considered by Turkmenistan as factors of positive influence on the development of regional and interregional economic cooperation, an important condition for maintaining the balance of interests in the Eurasian energy space on the basis of equal access of partners to the sources of Turkmen hydrocarbons and means of their delivery. This is a principal position. It also fully applies to the global initiatives of the President of Turkmenistan in other areas of international cooperation such as transport, ecology and environmental protection, humanitarian and human rights issues, disarmament and reducing arsenals.
The successful implementation of joint international projects – achievements is largely due to the neutrality of Turkmenistan. Our country has never politicized and politicizing economic cooperation. And this fact is well understood and highly valued by the partners to allow us to develop equal and mutually beneficial relations with different countries and companies. Turkmenistan as a neutral state can surely shape its long-term foreign economic strategy based on clear and comprehensible principles derived from its international status.
Proclaiming and implementing the principles of peace, harmony, tolerance and humanism in society, in the inner life, the Turkmen state projects these concepts to its relations with the outer world. Turkmenistan's neutrality is based on a moral framework of domestic structure, being its logical continuation and reflection of the best features of the Turkmen people. And this is why neutrality both an international legal status and the basis of our foreign policy.
Neutrality is the personification of freedom and independence of Turkmenistan, dignity, honour and national pride of the Turkmen people, its desire to live in peace, friendship and harmony with the people of all countries.
Embassy of Turkmenistan
Abu Dhabi