Islamic New Year to be marked with public holiday in UAE

By Aviamost Tuesday, August 20, 2019 5:10 am

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The UAE will mark Islamic New Year next weekend and residents are anticipating a day off.

The country’s human resources authority said public and private sector workers will enjoy a public holiday on Muharram 1, Hijri 1441.

That date in the Islamic calendar falls on Saturday or Sunday, leading many to anticipate a holiday on Sunday, September 1.

Last year, the private and public sectors were given one day off, a Thursday.

Muslims do not mark Islamic New Year, also known as Al Hijri New Year, with public celebrations or events. Hotels and bars are usually asked to refrain from serving alcohol and hosting live entertainment.

Islamic New Year is the first day of the Islamic calendar, or lunar calendar, which marks the day on which the Prophet Mohammed migrated from Makkah to Madinah.

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Aviamost Magazine

Last Updated: Tuesday, August 20, 2019 | 5:10 am | Dubai, United Arab Emirates