WAM -- Several sports and public dignitaries as well as business leaders have voiced the importance of participation in the UAE National Sports Day, on 16th February, as it has shaped into a prominent event that showcases the true sense of national identity and opens the door for all people to contribute civilised images depicting the coherence of various community members.
The day is one of the key initiatives aimed at promoting love and fraternity between more than 200 nationalities living on the land of this nation in a coherent environment marked with reciprocal respect. Thus the vision of Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, encapsulates these positive concepts in sports events bringing together male and female, juniors and seniors, and the disabled and abled individuals.
Dr. Mohammed Ahmed Hamel Al Qubaisi, Ambassador of the UAE to Azerbaijan, said, "The National Sports Day initiative is in line with the pioneering events of the UAE aimed at serving humans and enhancing the cooperation between community members. When the national initiative has a national dimension, the invitation will be to all parties. We are invited by H.H. to take part in this day such that it covers all organisations and individuals in a message that says: 'The UAE Unites Us'.
"The event describes the coherence of all community members and the day has become a premier national event in several countries bringing all community members of different ages together in events running 24 hours a day. The resident communities has a role to play to the success of the event and they have announced their readiness. I would wish to thank H.H. Sheikh Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Maktoum, President of the National Olympic Committee, NOC, and all strategic partners for their role in delivering positive messages to people. The sport is a model means of resetting the life of individuals and get rid of problems and issues besides dealing with situations in a positive manner," he continued.
Dr. May Al Jabir, Member of NOC Board and Deputy Medical Director of Health Point Hospital, said, "Fatima bint Mubarak Ladies Sports Academy takes the pride of hosting this sport event aimed at celebrating this day that encourages the sense of competition, team work and the sense of belonging. We invite all Emirati female leaders to take part in this day and sports event held. In collaboration with the Al Fursan International Sports Resort, we have arranged for 15 per cent discount on all activities provided. At the end of this Day, the Emirati female weightlifter Aysha Al Baluchi will speak about her experience that took her to represent the UAE in Reo Olympics 2016. A team from the Hospital will take part in the events, and offer tips to sportsmen and women, and respond to their queries.
Dr. Hammad bin Hammad, Knowledge Development Advisor, commended the National Sports Day initiative. "This unique event epitomizes the objectives of the government which had established a Ministry of Happiness. Our leaders keep encouraging all community members to lead a decent life. The initiative supports all events to make them a lifestyle of individuals. It also highlights the role of heritage sorts and intellectual sports."
Ibrahim Bu Hamer, Member of Rugby Federation said that the Day brings happiness to people and the directives of HH are a message from the UAE people to all people of the world. The Rugby Federation will hold several evens in Dubai and northern emirates, and will coordinate with all events and academic institutions and sports councils.
Moneh Mohammed, an endurance rider and trainer thanked H.H. for the initiative which would contribute to spreading positive spirits in the community. "I will hold an event at Al Jumooh School at Al Awir for free rides on 16 Feb along with family entertainments," she said. More than 5000 invitations were made for attending the equestrian event.
Mohammed Hilal, President of Mohammed Hilal Group said that the Day is a great event for all people living in the UAE. He invited all to attend to the event on Feb 16 to bring happiness to all and coherence between community members.
Waleed Al Zarooni, President of W Capital Properties was elated with the event saying that the invitation of HH opens the door for all community members to act together, which brings all nationalities under one platform. It is a duty of all of us to ensure the success of the event and showcasing the values of sport to make it a lifestyle for all categories. There will be a walking event for employees of the company in Al Karama Park, he added.
Badr Al Saab, Chairman of Badr Al Emarat Tourism thanked H.H. for this initiative considering the event a national duty of benefit to the community. He narrated the cultural and physical benefits and reiterated their readiness to support such sports initiatives.
Ahmed Al Kaabi, a businessman, said, "The National Sports Day offers a chance for self-motivation and protection against troubles, and care for health and safety. Thus it encourages the all community members to practice various sports and I’m sure of the success and continuity of the initiative. The event imparts the sense of competition and sport and I will hold several sports events, which will be open to all, as a way of saying thank you to our leadership, and express our love for our nation."