Donald Trump Jr. Posted A Photo Of His Dad As Superman

By Aliheydar_Rzayev Monday, 23 October 2017 12:43 PM

Donald Trump Jr. Posted A Photo Of His Dad As Superman

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Inquisitr, 22 October -- Donald Trump Jr. posted a rather bizarre picture of his father, Donald Trump, dressed up like a superhero on the cover of a fake Time Magazine over the weekend, opening up a mocking event across the social media sites. In the picture, which is seen below in the article, the superhero uniform resembles one worn by Superman, with a “T” replacing the “S” on the chest of a Superman-like costume. You can see the beginning of the red cape tucked around Trump’s neck in the picture.

Whoever created the embellished photo took liberties with Trump’s hair and body. His typical comb-over is present, but it is a flattened-out version, keeping his hair more cropped to his head than usual. His toned body would rival today’s bodybuilders.

What is probably the most striking of Trump’s fabricated assets in the picture, is Trump’s facial hair, which is something many are pointing out on the social media sites. This image shows Trump with a “long golden beard,” describes the Daily Mail. The beard is rather scruffy, resembling one that might be grown on a lumberjack or old sea captain who has been without the luxury of a razor for a while.

Superhero Trump’s uniform is tight, tight enough to show off some very well-formed muscles that bulk up his shoulders, arms, and chest area. Once you get past the Popeye-like muscles, the Trump superhero is slimmed down in a “V”-like shape to his middle, or his waist. The confident grin that Trump is sporting is very fitting of a superhero.

Donald Trump Jr. posted this picture below to his Instagram account and he only wrote a few words to go along with it, “Have a great weekend everyone.” He didn’t mention what the picture was all about or even how it came to be. Apparently, this is how the proud son of Donald Trump sees his dad.