People trading in fake medication should face death penalty, police chief says

By Aliheydar_Rzayev Thursday, 14 December 2017 2:14 AM

People trading in fake medication should face death penalty, police chief says

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The National -- The death penalty for trading in fake medication and hefty fines for buyers of counterfeit goods could be on the cards, if Dubai Police have their way.

Counterfeit traders will face tougher punishments under new rules being worked up by Dubai Police, who warn that the prevalence of fake medication is a serious threat to public health.

Maj Gen Abdul Quddus Obaidli, whose Dubai Police unit is tackling counterfeit goods, said fake medication, such as drugs used to treat heart diseases, could lead to deaths among patients. “This person who traded in those (fake) medicines must be executed, as he caused deaths,” Maj Gen Obaidli said.

“The sale of counterfeit goods is a curse on health, environment and safety standards,” he added.

Proceeds from the sale of counterfeit goods often sustained criminal gangs and could be used to fund terrorism.

“Trading of counterfeit goods is expected to cost the world’s economy a total of $4.2 trillion, risking the loss of 5.4 million jobs by 2020,” he added.

Fake medicine and knock-off designer gear, such as bags and watches, were among the most frequently counterfeited items detected by Dubai Police.

“In the United Arab Emirates, punishments dealing with counterfeit traders are considered the strictest among the Gulf Cooperation Council. Offenders trading in fake products (currently face) time in jail and a hefty fine. Some of these fines might reach up to Dh1 million,” said Maj Gen Obaidli.

At present, fake goods sellers are fined Dh15,000 for the first offence and Dh30,000 for the second offence.

Now there are plans to issue stricter punishments for dealers in counterfeit products – and authorities plan to take aim at buyers too.