

13 Apr 2011

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10 Nov 2010

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10 Nov 2010



Стиль «милитари»

Cтиль милитари доминирует в современной моде, придавая особый декоративный шик дизайну аксессуаров. Защитная расцветка и оттенки хаки очень актуальны. Модные декоративные детали обуви этого сезона – пряжки, обилие разнообразных застежек, шнуровка и цветовые сочетания. Шнуровка выполняет практическую и декоративную функцию. Цвета осенне-зимнего сезона: оттенки теплого коричневого,... Read More

Cool new vibes on the horizon!

08 Sep 2010

With summer almost behind us, we can look ahead to some real cool times, the fashion it will bring and its impact on the runways next year. So get to know the season’s latest trends before you step right into them…literally! And we are positive that with these tips, you can keep yourself looking stylish and glammed-up all at once…

This fall, fashion trends are on the horizon and with the... Read More

De Beers: Diamonds are Forever

07 Jul 2010

Aviamost took a lesson in the beauty of a De Beers diamond from Mr. Andrew Coxon, President of the De Beers Institute of Diamonds and one of the world's leading experts in the field of diamonds during his visit to Dubai.

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Sizzling summer scents!

07 Jul 2010

Indulge in a world of captivating fragrances and skincare products this summer. Whether it’s flaunting bright eye shadows or heady scents, Aviamost takes you through a select array of the best fragrances and skincare range to keep you smelling great while looking gorgeous all through the day and night…

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Fashion’s iridescent summer looks

07 Jul 2010

Aviamost picks out the best in women’s fashion this summer 2010 to spice up your looks this season!

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Cartier’s magnificent return

07 Jul 2010

Cartier recently opened its first boutique in Saint Petersburg, in the presence of Demi Moore, President & CEO of Cartier International, Bernard Fornas, and 300 guests including HE Alexander, the Crown Prince of Yugoslavia and his wife, Katherine, the Crown Princess of Yugoslavia Read More
